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Philip Rafferty Bio Photo

Philip Rafferty

Kinergetics® Kinesiology RESET TMJ®

Modalities used: Kinergetics ® Kinesiology, RESET TMJ®, Kinergetics ® Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity (BNT), Touch For Health (TFH), Applied Physiology, One Brain,  Neural Organization Technique (N.O.T.), PKP, SIPS, Wellness Kinesiology, CyberKinetics, Iridology, Silva Mind Development, Massage.

Modalities taught: Kinergetics® Kinesiology Introduction, Kinergetics® Kinesiology Units 1-6,

Kinergetics® Kinesiology Master Classes 1& 2, RESET TMJ® 1-3, Kinergetics® Balancing Nutrition & Toxicity (BNT),

Kinergetics® Sports Kinesiology, Kinergetics® Vibrational Healing Tools.

Visit https://www.kinergetics-reset.com/ for more information.

Philip studied all the major branches of Kinesiology and was the Founding President of the Touch for
Health Association in Victoria, Australia. He started the now popular business with Michael Wild which sells kinesiology
products and related materials to health practitioners. Having amassed 35 years of Kinesiology
experience, he was granted the prestigious ‘Fellowship’ status with the A.K.A. (Australian Kinesiology
Kinergetics Kinesiology was developed in 1991 and is now taught over 7 separates two-day units. In
1995 Philip developed a TMJ workshop called RESET. This enables people without any muscle testing
skills to balance hundreds of muscles by relaxing specific jaw muscles.
Kinergetics and RESET have been taught in 25 countries and is translated into
11 languages. BNT (Balancing Nutrition and Toxicity) was developed in 2012, and already over 2500 students in 11
countries have attended. Philip specialises in Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Chronic Pain, arthritis, TMJ and
trauma. Philip teaches his workshops and sees clients internationally.


Philip Rafferty is the Founder and Director of Kinergetics® Kinesiology and RESET TMJ® modalities.

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